Let's go to Space

A hands-on approach at studying climate change, space weather, science and the engineering behind open-source aerospace projects

NanoSat 1.0 is a small , open-source space craft satellite. NanoSat will be launched into Low Earth Orbit on an Inter-orbital NEPTUNE Series Rocket. Schools, communities, classrooms and tech enthusiasts around the world will be able to link directly with the NanoSat while in orbit , issue and receive commands, data and imagery through the "mission control" interface , accessible via the web from any desktop, mobile or tablet device.

NanoSat1.0 will orbit earth for 3-5 months and transmit data and imagery back to earth where it can be viewed live in real-time. Take a seat at mission control from anywhere in the world and interface with the open-source space craft.

Why NanoSat1.0?

Climate Change
By collecting earth imagery from orbit we can study the effects of climate change over various regions and compare results with the larger scientific community. How fast are polar ice caps melting compared to 5 years ago? 10 or 20 years ago? How has this change effected climate across different regions and how will that impact our eco systems food chain both on land and in the ocean? How will it affect what you eat? How will it affect your community? Let's find out.

Space Weather
NanoSat will collect data measuring to the variable conditions on the sun and in space that can influence the performance of technology we use on Earth and pose potential risk to people. Sudden bursts of plasma and magnetic field structures from the sun's atmosphere (also known Coronal Mass Ejections) with sudden bursts of radiation, or solar flares, all contribute to space weather effects felt here on Earth. Can we predict an increase in abnormal space weather? Can we develop better warning or shielding systems for increased space weather? Are we at risk from certain space weather due to damage sustained to Earth's ozone layer? Let's find out.

Hands on Learning
Log in to mission control from anywhere in the world to issue commands and receive data from the space craft in real-time. Become familiar with the engineering and technology that brings NanoSat into LEO (low earth orbit). Become familiar with the computer system, hardware components and software code designed to keep NanoSat alive and talking while in orbit. Interested in development? Download the full NanoSat source code and hack away. Submit your own improvements, modifications and mission plans for a NanoSat 2.0! Everyone's invited.

For the People
The idea that space exploration is limited to big business and billion dollar budgets is a myth. NanoSat1.0 is an open-source project that will demonstrate the possibilities of reaching our planets orbit and beyond , with the incentive of improving conditions here on earth by gathering scientific data to encourage and promote discussion , concepts and new ideas around challenging climate change, reducing the human carbon footprint and reinforcing new concepts of free clean energy over fossil fuels.

Crowd Funded. Open-Source & Accessible world wide. Join us at mission control as we formulate a plan, discuss new Concepts, build new ideas and find Solutions.

- Tentative Launch Scheduled for Dec 2019
- Delivery to LEO via: Inter-orbital NEPTUNE Series Rocket

Support our Crowd Funding Campaign by Donating Today

Budget list for hardware components:

- Electrical Command and Data Handler Board Commands and Handles Data to the Board, Connects to the EPS,BBB Board 1 $1,800.00
- Industrial Beaglebone Black Board Single Board COmputer 1 $55.00
- BBB Host/Camera Interface Board Includes 2x CMOS sensors, 2x 35 mm lens/ F1.9, Geiger Counter 1 $1,000.00
- Electrical Power System(incl. Batteries) 30 Wh battery pack, 12v, 5v, output, Connects to solar panels 1 $2,000.00
- ISIS VHF/UHF Full Duplex Transceiver 1 $9,283.27
- 1U High Efficiency Solar Panels 28% High-Efficiency Solar Pabels 2 x $700.00
- Global Star Duplex Modem 9.6 kbps 1 $375.00
- Global Star Antenna 1 $125.00
- Global Star 17in h RF cable 1 $44.85
- ISIS Deployable Antenna System 1 $4,914.68
- Mechanical 2U Chassis Aluminum High Precision CHassis 1 $1,200.00
- Dual CMOS Sensor Mount Aluminum Mount 1 $600.00
- Screws, Nuts, etc.. 1 $200.00
Total ~$26,997.80


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